Common Questions When Trying to Get Pregnant
Do certain positions during sex promote pregnancy or determine the sex of a baby?
No, this is a fertility myth. Rather than a specific position, the frequency of intercourse is what can influence the chances of becoming pregnant. Additionally, the only way to determine the sex of a child is by using in vitro fertilization (IVF) with preimplantation genetic testing to select an embryo of certain sex for implantation.
Does a woman have to orgasm in order to become pregnant?
No, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a goal!
Do lubricants decrease pregnancy chances?
Many lubricants contain ingredients that inhibit the sperm’s ability to move through the vagina, cervix, and fallopian tube. There are fertility-friendly lubricants, like Pre-Seed by First Response that is sperm-friendly and PH balanced. Mineral oil also can be used safely.
Should a woman take prenatal vitamins to increase pregnancy chances?
No, these do not improve the chances of getting pregnant. However, prenatal vitamins are beneficial for the woman and the baby during pregnancy. Women are advised to start taking prenatal vitamins three months before planning to get pregnant or immediately when TTC. While taking prenatal vitamins will not increase fertility, they will help prepare the body for pregnancy and help avoid possible congenital abnormalities.
Will having sex more often increase sperm counts in men?
No, in fact, intercourse too frequently does not give men the opportunity to recover the volume of the ejaculate. The most optimal pattern of ejaculation for men is every 2-4 days. Greater than 5 days between ejaculations actually starts to decrease the quality of sperm. More frequent sex during the fertile window does increase pregnancy chances.