Using an Egg Donor to Become a Single Father
Men who choose to use a gestational carrier must also select an egg donor or donated embryos. Egg donors can be known individuals or from agencies or egg banks. As with traditional surrogates, known egg donors will provide genetic material to the resulting child, and legal consultation is needed to delineate the roles of all involved.
Many men elect to purchase donor eggs from an egg bank. When selecting donated eggs, patients know the donor’s personal and family medical history, physical attributes often including photos, personality traits, academic achievements, and often hobbies/interests. The majority of donors have been screened for genetic conditions.
Learn more about using donor eggs and the egg banks we work with.
Some men may choose to use a known egg donor to achieve a pregnancy. Using a known egg donor can have both financial and emotional benefits including cost savings and the possibility of a long-term relationship between the egg donor and the resulting child(ren). Some men may feel more comfortable using a known donor as he may know more details about the donor’s personality, education, interests, and health history.
Per the FDA, known donors must complete the same screenings as anonymous donors undergo at egg banks. These screenings include blood and urine samples to test for the presence of infectious diseases. ASRM recommends that egg donors also complete the following:
- Physical exam
- Genetic testing
- Health history
- Psychological evaluation
- Personal and sexual history
When using a known egg donor, legal counsel is recommended to ensure all involved parties understand the expectations for a relationship and/or financial support for any resulting children. As with traditional surrogacy, there are complex legal and emotional aspects when a known donor is used to create a pregnancy. We recommend lawyers and counselors who work specifically in the fertility industry.